H - index
Papers published
PhDs supervised
Prof. David Webb
35 years experience in the field of optical sensing, Webb is 50th Anniversary Professor of Photonics at Aston University and currently serves as the Associate Dean for Research in the School of Engineering and Applied Science and as Deputy Director of the AIPT. Having successfully coordinated the ITN TRIPOD (2013-2017), Webb will act as mentor to the proposed coordinator of this project (Dr Hill). He will be the SS of ESR1.
Dr. Daniel Hill
A recently arrived Marie Curie COFUND research fellow at AIPT. Since 2006 he has researched in, coordinated, and managed four EC collaborative research projects for optical biosensor development, adding to his extensive experience in microfabrication and characterisation of optoelectronic materials and devices. He will be project leader, PS of ESR1 and SS of ESR2, as well as coordinator for the whole project (40% of his full-time employment.)
Dr. Alex Rozhin
Dr. Alex Rozhin is a Reader in Nanotechnology and a pioneer in the development of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) based composites for ultrafast photonics and photonic sensors. Dr. Rozhin’s is a governor of Nanoscience Research Group (NRG) and a head of Nanomaterial Photonics at AIPT. He has hosted 5 MSCA individual fellows, and is Aston’s PI for the MSCA RISE CARTHER project). He will be the primary supervisor for ESR2 (20% full-time).
Prof. Aman Russom
Full professor in microfluidics at KTH. He is the division head of Nanobiotechnology and has built a strong track record in the field of microfluidics. He is a pioneer in microfluidics based sample preparation with strong focus on inertial microfluidics. He has graduated 8 PhD students and currently supervising 6. He will be project leader, co-promotor and daily supervisor of the local ESRs and as such his involvement will be 20% of his full-time employment
Ass. Prof. Håkan Jönsson
Ass. Prof. Joensson leads the Biomicrofluidics group and is a group leader at the NNF Center for Biosustainabiliity (KTH). He is an expert in high throughput droplet microfluidics for screening and sample processing. His research focuses on the automation of microfluidics and biomedical biotechnological applications of microfluidics.
Dr. Anna Undas
Anna Katarzyna Undas is a project leader and a researcher at WFSR (within the team of Organic Contaminants). Her primary focus is circular economy contaminants, nanomaterials, and micro- and nanoplastics in different matrices (e.g. food, environmental samples, personal products, and food contact materials). She has co-authored over 20 scientific peer-reviewed publications (H-index of 16). Within MonPlas, she acts as the daily supervisor of ESR Clementina Vitali.
Prof. Michel Nielen
Prof. Michel Nielen is a principal scientist of WFSR and part-time professor in analytical chemistry (Wageningen University), entitling him to supervise doctoral degrees. He will act as academic promotor of the ESR (10% full-time).
Prof. Heidi Ottevaere
Full professor in photonics at VUB. She built up a strong track record in supervising students (34 MSc. and 10 PhDs graduated) and in teaching: courses such as Optical Measurement Techniques, photonics and Laboratories in Photonics Research. As programme director of the European Master of Science in Photonics (VUB) she is also responsible for the Internship in Photonics, an elective course that is largely chosen by the MSc. students.
Prof. Wendy Meulebroeck
Part-time professor in photonics at VUB, teaching a course on Laboratories in Photonics Research and Optical Raytracing. From 2008 onwards she built up experience in supervising MSc. and PhD students of which respectively 9 and 2 students have graduated.
Prof. Jürgen Popp
Scientific director of Leibniz-IPHT, head of the Department of Spectroscopy/Imaging with 50 employees (8 post-docs + 30 PhDs + 6 adm.). Professor and chair of Institute of Physical Chemistry at Jena University.
Dr. Christoph Kraftt
Workgroup leader in the field of Raman and infrared spectroscopy and imaging for biomedical applications. Teaching courses in physical chemistry at University Jena. Beside 13 PhD students, he supervised also 10 master students
Dr. Thomas Henkel
Head of the Leibniz-IPHT Microfluidics group. Research is focused on the transfer of laboratory processes to the microfluidics platform in order to make the benefits of miniaturization available to the research and industrial community. Teaching Courses in Microfluidics and Digital Image Analysis (Guest Lectures at regional Universities). Supervision of 5 PhD Thesis works (3 graduated, 2 in preparation) finished) and Master and BA Thesis works
Dr. Iwan W. Schie
Head of work group for Multimodal Instrumentation, focusing on the development of novel optical instruments for in vivo and in vitro diagnostics. By creating devices and instruments that combine different optical modalities, such as Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, optical coherence tomography, fluorescence life-time microscopy, etc. it is possible to asses a large set of complimentary information that can be used to study a variety of samples.
Prof. Jes Vollertsen
Professor of Environmental Engineering and Science. The research has its focus on urban water technology with an experiment-based approach where studies are conducted in the laboratory, in pilot scale setups and in the field. The knowledge obtained from laboratory and pilot scale is combined and applied in computer models that are subsequently validated on results from field studies.
Prof. Asbjørn H Nielsen
Research within environmental process engineering with focus on obtaining fundamental knowledge trough experimental studies in the laboratory, pilot scale investigations and in the field. Substantial experience with a range of state-of-the-art sophisticated chemical analytical instruments. These include among others inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, GC and HPLC mass spectrometry, micro Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, construction and use of electrochemical microelectrodes, etc.
Prof. Gary Hardiman
Prof. Gary Hardiman joined Queen’s University Belfast in 2018 as the Chair in Food Systems Biology. His laboratory works in the field of systems biology. Current research studies the effects of microplastics on marine and human health; prostate cancer in the context of racial differences and nutritional deficiency; the impacts of long-term space travel on hepatic and intestinal biology; genetic and epigenetics of opioid abuse; non-coding RNAs in cancer and metabolic diseases and developing toolkits for of Omics data sets into genotype-phenotype predictions. He has collaborated with NASA GeneLab, The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) on the Deepwater Horizon incident, the Lipid Maps Consortium, and is funded by the US National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) and National Institute of Health (NIH).
Dr. Julie Meneely
Dr Meneely research experience is in the areas of rapid detection of food and feed contamination and the measurement of toxicity of small molecular weight compounds present in food and environmental samples. She has pioneered the use of High Content Analysis to measure the toxicity of complex mixtures of natural toxins. She also has a great deal of experience in the organisation of international scientific workshops.
Dr. Cuong Cao
Dr Cuong Cao’s research interest is in the field of plasmonic nanoparticles and nanostructures and their implementations in biosensor development. His research has contributed to the understanding of plasmonic nanomaterials, bringing attention of the bioanalytical community to their promising prospects for bioanalytical applications, i.e. disease detection, food safety and food integrity that present significant challenges to public health.