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ESR 7 - Mehrdad Lotfi Choobbari

Mehrdad Lotfi Choobbari started his PhD on September 1st, 2020 at Brussels Photonics Team (B-PHOT) at VUB in Belgium. He pursues his PhD as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR 7) in the MONPLAS program and under the supervision of Prof. Heidi Ottevaere, Prof. Wendy Meulebroeck and Dr. Tatevik Chalyan. His research focuses on the development of an optofluidic-based system to measure the concentration of various types of microplastic particles in water for which a combination of diffuse reflection spectroscopy and scattering will be used, in combination with Raman spectroscopy to identify the types of plastic.

Mehrdad received his MSc degree in Micro and Nano Electronic Devices from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnique) in September 2018 and was working for his MSc thesis on micro paper-based analytical devices.

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Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)

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